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This is the Dinosaurs Theme prototype still in delvopment

Dino steps (either with chalk or paper ((outdoor activity)))

6 year old- dino skeletons​

7 year old-salt dough dino fossils​

8 year old- fizzy dino egg extractions

Topics to Choose from

There are a range of different topics like: Space, Sea Creatures, Dinosaurs, Robots, Buildings/Architecture, Weather, and Zoo Animals.  

How it works with what they are learning in school?

For each age there is research done to back up the projects to work along with what they are learning in school. Sources from the Arizona Department of Education.

How is it going to be used more than once?

Projects may include extra parts to do the project more than once or templates to print off for more fun.

Video instructions

Other than the instructions being written and images included there will also be a video to go along with.

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