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Honors Portion

Yay I am an Honors student so therefore there is added-on work....yay

I will be including:

  • thumbnails, sketches, mindmaps, and/or brainstorming visuals

  • a descriptive explanation of your problem-solving strategy and solution

  • a diagram or framework that helps to visually present your process

I have been using Trello while also using my day to day planner

Brainstorming Visuals

Problem solving strategy and solutions

Personally I tend to have time management problems. I either do it all at once or begin something and take a while to finish it. A way that I have been able to solve this issue is writing out a more specific to-do list and listing each individual part that I need to complete. 

Here is how I am tracking my progress.

Screenshot 2023-03-26 135018.png
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