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Community Statement 

As a member of the Network Security and Network Engineering community, we are united together by our shared commitment to fostering a secure and resilient digital landscape. The community we are in stands at the front of technological innovation, where we are the safeguard of networks and data integrity.

Within my own personal ethos, there is a dedication to security. I recognize that there is evolving threat landscape demands that are constantly changing. I pledge to prioritize security measures in all aspects and using the everchanging technology and methodologies against emerging threats.

Ethical conduct lies hand in hand with this field. We must hold ourselves with the highest of standards of integrity, honesty, and respect of everything we do from interactions and projects. I will know of my actions that hold different implications while also making sure to hold the trust from everyone, people I know personally to professional standards or to any organization.

In these fields, there are so many changes, so I plan to keep up on learning and improving my skills. I hope we all embrace the challenges of staying on top of the newest advancements and security threats. We can commit ourselves to ongoing education and skill development. In some way we aren't just doing it for ourselves but the others that live on this planet too. Working together and sharing the knowledge for fundamental to our success, as we recognize that collective expertise is crucial for facing the challenges of the future together.

As we speak forth for the best practices, we take on the industry standards and principles such as defense-in-depth, least privilege, and continuous monitoring. I believe that the diversity and inclusion are strengths to be celebrated no matter your background, sex, race, identity, and how you live your life. Fostering the innovation and resilience within our community will only keep us safe being able to trust one another.

Our responsibilities extend beyond technical proficiency to encompass the broader societal impact of our work. We need to be mindful of the implications of the decisions that we make on individuals and organizations. We are committed to the responsible practices that highly prioritize the safety and privacy of everyone and all.

Some say that professionalism is the most important thing, well I believe if you aren't being yourself and bringing yourself into your work then why do it at all. We uphold the highest of standards of professionalism in our communication, problem-solving, and adherence to the professional codes of conduct. We embrace agility and adaptivity, recognizing the need to respond swiftly to emerging threats and challenges. 

Finally, we are dedicated to supporting emerging talent within the community that we have chosen a place within. Some may say it also chose us. We offer mentorship, resources, and opportunities for growth and development to other students that we go to school with, showing ourselves to early-career professionals that we will go to after gaining anything and everything from school, ensuring a vibrant and resilient Network Security and Network Engineering workforce for the future and for our lives. Others and I live by the principles and pledge to uphold them in all our endeavors we may get the opportunity to go forth with, while also fostering the community that is both secure and never-ending innovations.

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